Call or email us to discuss delivery of Capoeira and associated activities

Classes for young people

New Young peoples classes every Thursday 4-4:50pm age 5 – 8  (during term time)  @  Legacy Martial Arts London 403 Railway Arches, Cremer Street, London, E2 8HB  contact 07779031273 or go to the Legacy website

Want a workshop?

Our capoeira workshops take place in various schools, youth and community centres around London and the South East.  The classes are delivered by Mestre Fantasma (Simon Atkinson) and his students. Through years of teaching, Mestre Fantasma has developed innovative teaching methods that inspire and motivate young people from all backgrounds.

Capoeira in schools and youth organisations

UR Capoeira are experienced in delivering capoeira workshops, assemblies and regular classes in Primary, Secondary schools, Universities and team building workshops. Capoeira is both an excellent way to engage young people in physical activity and, owing to its Afro-Brazilian roots and slave origins, it is also a powerful tool to promote diversity and to raise cultural awareness.

Capoeira can help schools to deliver their curriculum requirements:

  • Cross-curriculum dimensions: Identity & cultural diversity, Healthy lifestyles, Community Participation, Global dimension and Creativity & critical thinking
  • Core curriculum links: Citizenship, PSHE, Music, Geography, PE, History, MFL

If you are interested in offering capoeira in your school or youth organisation, please contact us. Or give us a call +44 7779031273

“The capoeira classes have been fantastic so far and the girls are responding really well.  The uptake has increased since the club started as the girls have told others how good the club is. Thanks for linking us up with this group, it has been great.”

— Sarah Maguire, PE teacher, Haggerston Girls School

Safeguarding young people

The safety and protection of young people is our top priority. We have a child protection policy which was developed in conjunction with the NSPCC. The policy is adhered to by all staff who are fully CRB checked. If you have any questions or concerns about a child’s safety, please contact us immediately

“Thank you very much for coming along and running the capoeira workshops at our Winter Games. I know very well that the young people were very impressed and excited about capoeira. Thank you so much for making the day such a huge success.”

— Wen Zheng, Sports Inspired, East London Director.


Monday’s & Thursday’s

Open class – Kings Cross The Crossing.
Music,movement & song
Basics, pair work, game play
Complete beginners Capoeira
7pm Start

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Urban Ritual Open Roda London

Urban Ritual Open day
18th August
Coal drops Yard kings cross
2pm & 4pm – free class

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Visit Brazil Salvador Bahia & Reconcovo Baiano

A cultural study trip 4th – 20th March 2024
Want to Join ? Call 07779031273 for information

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Monday Capoeira class & Roda

Mondays we have a pair-work class studying timing, distance and application of moves.
The Crossing Kings cross – Anyone welcome
message 07779031273 for more info

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Jogando no Pé do Berimbau

Come and learn how to play on the floor, close to each other in the observastion phase.

Full info and online booking

Or Call 07779 031 273

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A modern vision of capoeira’s golden age

27th January 2019 come change your game for the better

On line payment and full info

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“I like capoeira because it is a full body workout, I feel strong. When I play I feel excited and motivated. I would tell anyone considering capoeira to join…its good.”

male 17 years old

“It’s a group thing – we all learn off each other”

Musician, male, 38yrs

“Entering into training or a roda, nothing else matters, everyone is equal and everyone shares the same experiences.”

East London Capoeira Student

Life is a struggle? Life is a battle?
 The player sees that capoeira is teaching him to dance within and during this fight.

Nestor Capoeira

Capoeira is treachery


Mestre Bimba

“Capoeira reminds me who I am, and reminds me of my uniqueness and what I can do with it.”

ELC student

“Capoeira is a riddle and there is no answer.”

Capoeira student

“Apart from a skill, it also lays down rules which benefits those taking part. It offers positive benefits through developing respect for others. It’s also great fun.”

Andrew Boff. Greater London Authority