Adult Capoeira classes
Regular classes
Monday 7-8:30pm
@The Crossing or the square @ 1 Granary Square London N1C 4AA
also – Saturday 11am @ Legacy Martial Arts London 403 Railway Arches, Cremer Street, London, E2 8HB
£10 a class
Info 07779 031273
one2one Capoeira & RhythmicRopeFlow by arrangement £40 an hour
I also teach at RhythmicRopeFlow
Capoeira classes consist of the following:
- Movement – physical training that develops the moves of capoeira Angola, Regional and some adaptations.
- Music – learning claves (clapping sequences), percussion instruments berimbau, pandeiro atabaque, conga and others
- Game strategy – understanding capoeira game orientation and developing strategic thinking, calmness under pressure, intuition and trickery.
- Cultural understanding – we share knowledge and appreciation of capoeira’s history and Afro-Brazilian roots, developing an awareness of how capoeira has evolved and exists around the world today.
We use Capoeira to change lives. We inspire, develop and guide individuals in capoeira activity leading them to discover their style and individual character. What we achieve in the game play of Capoeira is transmitted into the real life by the trainee. Feeling healthier, stronger, flexible and agile from capoeira training stimulates and motivates practitioners to pursue a better life. To get results, you will need to focus and dedicate time and effort to obtain the outcome you are looking for. Master Fantasma and UR Capoeira group have been producing good results with individuals from many varied backgrounds for over 25 years.
“I found capoeira as something where I could express myself totally as it combines my love of music, dance, acrobatics, combat and sense of play – and much more.” Designer, female, age 29
UR Capoeira is centred around traditional Brazilian capoeira teachings (it’s difficult to argue against the fact that today’s capoeira, played to music emerged in the Recôncavo Baiano). Whatever level or place you are at our teachings are for you and we cater for all levels. If you are already a capoeira practitioner we will help you develop insight and vision in the various ways to play. If you are a complete beginner we will hold your hand and guide you until you are ready to stand and learn alone.
Go to About capoeira to find out more or please contact us if you have any questions.
“It is rare to get such insight into yourself, and sometimes it is difficult to accept certain aspects of what you find, but capoeira celebrates everybody’s strengths and weaknesses, which is a very liberating concept!” Doctor, female, 32