Tim Gale

Tim has been following the East London Capoeira philosophy now for about 10 years.  I (Master Fantasma) feel that Tim has passed many personal challenges to get to play capoeira the way he does today. I recognise this because i had similar difficulties.  I have also noticed that the best teachers are often the ones that struggled most  learning.  Tim has amerced himself in capoeira and now supports the group as a performer, teacher and capoeira percussion player.

George Pintado

I started capoeira in 1996, when I was sixteen, with the pioneering capoeira teacher Simon Fantasma in Shoreditch, East London. I clearly remember my first lesson. The required coordination really challenging, and I felt completely unable to do anything. However, when I saw the capoeira being played at the end of the class I was captivated by the pulse of the music, grace of movement and the excitement of the fast kicks and acrobatics of the game. Slowly, through regular training I gained a bit of coordination and confidence to play capoeira myself.

Since then I have not stopped doing capoeira, I continued practising, and following numerous visits to Brazil to learn capoeira I find myself living and working in Rio de Janeiro.

In Rio I train capoeira with Marrom, who awarded me with the title of contramestre in 2009.  Practising capoeira equipped me with a positive and playful outlook on life that I carry with me everywhere. It has enabled me to meet a diverse range of people, experience true friendship and camaraderie and become closer to the pulse of life itself.

I directly contribute to the development of capoeira within Simon’s group through annual workshops when I am in London.
I provide a continous link between Simon’s teachings and Mestre Marrom’s here in Rio.

Henry Franklin

“I started learning capoeira with Mestre Marinheiro in 1995 when I lived for 6 months in his house in Baixa da Egua, Salvador, researching a dissertation on Song in the roda of capoeira for my university degree.  Freddy Abreu helped me research my dissertation, with long hours of research at the Instito Maua.  Marinheiro showed me my first steps, introducing me to life as a capoeira.  He was always very open and encouraged me to improve my berimbau playing by taking lessons with Mestre Nenel, Bimba’s son.  At the time Marinheiro was a young teacher with a vibrant group of children aged between 5 and 13.  I was the oldest by far, but I learnt a lot in those early days, not least that size and age mean nothing in the roda of capoeira.

Once back in the UK, I continued to learn capoeira with Adam Barber (Macaco Barboiro) in Bristol, Mestre Joaozinho of Mar Azul and Simon Atkinson (Mestre Fantasma).  My trajectory has been interrupted by work and family life but the urge to watch and play capoeira has been consistent throughout, and I am training again with Mestre Fantasma, hoping that my sons will one day trip me in the roda.

My early experience with Mestre Marinheiro gave me a concrete example of the empowering effect that capoeira can have on the very disadvantaged and this inspired me to support Marinheiro’s vision through Project gem, a UK charity, which supports capoeira as a means of education.  Today Project gem supports youth capoeira projects in the UK and in Salvador, Brazil and has as its vision in the UK; a complete capoeira group with adults and children of all levels learning together.  To my mind the creativity, spontaneity and trickery of children playing capoeira is an invaluable learning opportunity for adults who increasingly become detached from this side of their personality.”


Monday’s & Thursday’s

Open class – Kings Cross The Crossing.
Music,movement & song
Basics, pair work, game play
Complete beginners Capoeira
7pm Start

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Urban Ritual Open Roda London

Urban Ritual Open day
18th August
Coal drops Yard kings cross
2pm & 4pm – free class

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Visit Brazil Salvador Bahia & Reconcovo Baiano

A cultural study trip 4th – 20th March 2024
Want to Join ? Call 07779031273 for information

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Monday Capoeira class & Roda

Mondays we have a pair-work class studying timing, distance and application of moves.
The Crossing Kings cross – Anyone welcome
message 07779031273 for more info

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Jogando no Pé do Berimbau

Come and learn how to play on the floor, close to each other in the observastion phase.

Full info and online booking

Or Call 07779 031 273

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A modern vision of capoeira’s golden age

27th January 2019 come change your game for the better

On line payment and full info

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“Capoeira is a riddle and there is no answer.”

Capoeira student

Life is a struggle? Life is a battle?
 The player sees that capoeira is teaching him to dance within and during this fight.

Nestor Capoeira

Capoeira is treachery


Mestre Bimba

“Entering into training or a roda, nothing else matters, everyone is equal and everyone shares the same experiences.”

East London Capoeira Student

“It’s a group thing – we all learn off each other”

Musician, male, 38yrs

“I like capoeira because it is a full body workout, I feel strong. When I play I feel excited and motivated. I would tell anyone considering capoeira to join…its good.”

male 17 years old

“Capoeira reminds me who I am, and reminds me of my uniqueness and what I can do with it.”

ELC student

“Apart from a skill, it also lays down rules which benefits those taking part. It offers positive benefits through developing respect for others. It’s also great fun.”

Andrew Boff. Greater London Authority